-If you have installed HitilesAF into your FalconAF, you had better use the file "Texture.zip" in the Korea theater of FalconAF.
-If you use that "copy" method for the Korea Theater, sure the Fartiles will go wrong.
You can only use that "copy" method for the Balkans theater after you have installed successfully the Hitiles for the Korea theater.
Or you can only use that "copy" method as a quick repair for the terrain textures after you have successfully installed the Hitiles into it.
If you never have HitilesAF installed for the Korea Theater, you must use the installer "Hitiles2Falcon4+.exe" to install the HitilesAF, you can download the installer at:
Before you run the installer, you must do following steps:
1-Rename the HitilesAF folder name "....Program files\HitilesAF" to ..."...Program files\Hitiles"
(Just Delete the characters "AF")
2-Rename all files "HitilesAF.zip" inside all folders "Summer, Spring, Fall, Winter to "Hitiles.zip"
(Just Delete the characters "AF")
3-Use Regedit to rename the registry key "HitilesAF" inside HKey_Local_machine\Software\ to the new name "Hitiles"
(Just Delete the characters "AF")
4-Use Regedit to change the value of the key "Hkey_Local_machine\Software\Hitiles\Install_D ir" from the value "C:\Program Files\HitilesAF" to the new value "C:\Program Files\Hitiles\summer"
(if you want to use summer season)
(Just Delete the characters "AF" and add the "\summer" to the string value)
5-After all done, just double click to run the installer "Hitiles2Falcon4+.exe" and wait until it done!
Finally if you get trouble of all such messes, just use the simple "Copy" method. After the TerrainTexCompress.exe DONE, you should download the file "Korea Fartiles.rar" at the link below: ""
I (Tom) let this part out to make sure not to hurt luan_vn's or anyone's purpose with that file..If anyone wants it, pm me, I have it on my HD..
And by the way: regedit..symply go to (windows-) Start- comand: type: regedit, hit enter, off course, there you go, simply find and edit the lines luan_vn mentioned in steps 3 +4..
Hope that helps (Cptmtge??!!
-If you use that "copy" method for the Korea Theater, sure the Fartiles will go wrong.
You can only use that "copy" method for the Balkans theater after you have installed successfully the Hitiles for the Korea theater.
Or you can only use that "copy" method as a quick repair for the terrain textures after you have successfully installed the Hitiles into it.
If you never have HitilesAF installed for the Korea Theater, you must use the installer "Hitiles2Falcon4+.exe" to install the HitilesAF, you can download the installer at:
Before you run the installer, you must do following steps:
1-Rename the HitilesAF folder name "....Program files\HitilesAF" to ..."...Program files\Hitiles"
(Just Delete the characters "AF")
2-Rename all files "HitilesAF.zip" inside all folders "Summer, Spring, Fall, Winter to "Hitiles.zip"
(Just Delete the characters "AF")
3-Use Regedit to rename the registry key "HitilesAF" inside HKey_Local_machine\Software\ to the new name "Hitiles"
(Just Delete the characters "AF")
4-Use Regedit to change the value of the key "Hkey_Local_machine\Software\Hitiles\Install_D ir" from the value "C:\Program Files\HitilesAF" to the new value "C:\Program Files\Hitiles\summer"
(if you want to use summer season)
(Just Delete the characters "AF" and add the "\summer" to the string value)
5-After all done, just double click to run the installer "Hitiles2Falcon4+.exe" and wait until it done!
Finally if you get trouble of all such messes, just use the simple "Copy" method. After the TerrainTexCompress.exe DONE, you should download the file "Korea Fartiles.rar" at the link below: ""
I (Tom) let this part out to make sure not to hurt luan_vn's or anyone's purpose with that file..If anyone wants it, pm me, I have it on my HD..
And by the way: regedit..symply go to (windows-) Start- comand: type: regedit, hit enter, off course, there you go, simply find and edit the lines luan_vn mentioned in steps 3 +4..
Hope that helps (Cptmtge??!!
